Saturday, January 28, 2017

New Moon, Chinese New Year

Happy weekend y'all! Its been a LONG week, hard to believe all that has happened (especially in the white house) in just one week's time, but now we are home as a family and decompressing together with NO plans but to spend time together and do what we want! Woo hoo. Last night Jason came home after drinking an especially strong cold brew coffee with his lunch and so was ready to kick his boots around the house going nest-crazy with me. He installed Jackson's new carseat in my car, next to Joss's, brought down the changing table to be where we had it with Joss. Made/changed Joss's bed after I had washed everything including her mattress cover, and ordered us some Indian food delivery from the restaurant we love by our house, Madra's so I had a night off from cooking.

I gave the back seats of my car a good scrubbing while the seats were being moved/installed, sorted through all the cloth diapers we have and separated out the smalls from mediums, from larges and stored the bigger ones in my closet for later. Don't they look so pretty! Haha, I love being a cloth mama.

All of the smalls are now organized in the changing table drawers (downstairs) and in the new diaper caddy by our new changing pad by the side of my bed for late night/morning changes. Goodness I love getting organized. Joss was a great helper too, in between helping her dad with the carseat, and watching her My Little Ponies on Netflix (she now knows how to control the remotes herself, so was really proud to play her shows on her own). During the day I also went hog-wild and cleaned all of upstairs (which is appropriate preparation for the Chinese New Year superstitions to let in good luck for the year ahead). Vacuumed all rooms and bathrooms, set up Jocelyn's new bookcase (ahhh so much neater! And easy now to see all her books - She was so happy to come home from school to see that surprise in her room, yay books!), Cleaned the kitchen, did dishes, and laundry, took out trash and recycling, and rearranged our bedroom a little bit for less clutter. I love waking up to a clean, fresh, reorganized room and house.

This morning I was up early and made Joss cinnamon rolls, and she slept in late so I ate some oatmeal with my tea and watched the start of the documentary The Beginning of Life on Netflix about how raising babies/young children around the world will shape our future society. Heading to yoga soon, and will mail the thank-yous I wrote this morning for my California aunties who sent some beautiful labor necklace charms and gifts for Jax. Less than a week until Grandma is here! I just need to change the sheets on her bed in the guest room, and dust the bookshelves, and its all ready for her arrival. I'll do that this weekend.

Last centering session is coming up on Tuesday, I hope that Jenny and Annie join us and bring their lil babies! <3 I wonder who will be next. I hope we all stay in touch and continue to get together for playdates. Yay mamas!

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